She Wants Revenge’s music is hard to encompass into a single genre or sound. It draws inspiration from aforementioned bands and various others including: Bauhaus, Prince, Depeche Mode, New Order, The Cure, My Bloody Valentine, The Sisters of Mercy, and etc. The band blends their influences with ever-present electronics (eg. synths and drum machines) in a style most accurately labeled under the umbrella term, "darkwave", a style of music reminiscent of the New Wave and Gothic Rock sounds of the 1980s.
She Wants Revenge have stated that they make "dance music" on numerous occasions setting them aside from the contemporary rock bands often falsely linked with the band in the music press.
Their self-titled debut, was released in 2006. They contributed a cover of ‘Kindnap the Sandy Claws’ to the soundtrack of the "The Nightmare Before Christmas" re-release. Their next LP release, ‘This Is Forever’ was released in 2007. They also were featured on a track ‘Time’, with Timbaland.
In 2008, She Wants Revenge parted ways with Geffen/Interscope to run their own record label called Perfect Kiss Records, from which they released an EP titled ‘Save Your Soul’. A second EP followed in 2009, titled "Up and Down", which was released on the 22nd of September.
She Wants Revenge return in 2011 with Valleyheart — their third full-length offering — They’ve achieved the kind of dynamic catharsis every band hopes it will survive long enough to experience: rising up out of their diverse influences, She Wants Revenge has taken flight, fully realizing a sound all their own.
In Valleyheart, She Wants Revenge has emerged with an album that shakes off their influences, establishing them as a creative force to be reckoned with while also proving that, in fact, you can go home again.